At these times, we create an imaginary knife and slash their throats… then I had that stage… and I claim of hating getting married AND attending weddings.
But all that changed last Thursday, December 7…

The newly wed: Melvin and Joanah (Photos courtesy of Myles G. Jamito)
Our dear friends, Melvin and Joanah finally got married. These two friends of mine since college are the epitome of love that is TRUE and sincere. No hassles, no qualms, no gimmicks and all that. I always have this tendencies of losing words to describe something… UGH! Basta, they are of perfect match and if someone or something will break them apart… I am one of those who will bury them alive!!!
Let me brag that, I am one of the “cupids” who made these two a couple. Faith, who I tried contacting and finally searched her over Friendster wasn’t able to make it sa wedding :( Melvin and Joanah were classmates in an animation class during our college days. I am one of Melvin’s friends who liked to hangout in their animation room, stay overnights with them to help out. Melvin confessed he likes Joanah, pushed him to make his move. At the same time… Faith, a close friend and confidant of Joanah told me, Joanah likes Melvin too! Weeeehhhh!!! One time I remember, Melvin made a card for Joanah using his original “Puti” character, the same character he used for his animation project. He showed it to me for “checking”. Then a few hours or days later, here comes Joanah handing me a familiar card and telling me… “Bigay n’ya…” (given by him)… Faith was with Joanah then, winked at me as a sign… My smile then seemed to reach my ears. And the rest is history!
Simple story… destiny.
May marriage is REALLY something when it is out of love and nothing else. That all will be happy and excited about it when it’s that pure and “clean” ;)
Well, I assume whoever will read this are ADULTS and you should know what I mean :p
To Melvin and Joanah… I know, I have written, spoken and even drew less than expected and compared to your other friends in your guest book. But I wish you knew how deeply happy I am for both of you. I can’t really find the right words… the truest words to describe how I feel for you guys…
Again, congrats and best wishes… more kids, I mean, have kids you can handle and be sure that I am a “ninang” to your first born ;)
Btw, in proof that I really LOOOOVVVEEEE this couple, God knows how I hate wearing formal outfits and wearing makeups. But I had to wear these pointed heeled shoes…

But when I couldn’t bear the pain… I did this while Jose, my VBF and I did the hosting…

I walked barefoot too from the reception to the streets passing people in and outside of the church. Gahd! The PAAAAIIINNN!!! After me wearing such shoes, I have high respects to those wearing such KILLER shoes…
Rio, Mommy Ria, and to the rest of the ladies you are killing themselves wearing stilettos, high-heeled boots and the like… IDOL ko kayo!!!
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