Not a good week for me.
Unproductive. Useless. Heavy (literally and figuratively speaking –– I admit it, thank you.)
A screw up.
If I’m a concoction you are to take, warn you I would definitely taste awful! My emotions are of topsy-turvy. My mood is swing from end to end. I am wasted. No. I feel worst than that –– see I can’t even think of a word to describe how I am last week (and right now…).
That was my supposedly entry last week that I wasn’t able to post. And in connection to happenings this week, last week was probably a premonition.
A warning. That no one paid attention to.
Stagnant probably was a term to describe my situation in the past weeks. I am unable to produce such remarkable or even useful ideas. I am immobile and had no choice but to “follow”.
Resist resistance.
I continuously remind myself. But do you do that? I asked my dear friend have to do it but he answered, "You can’t."
But I had to do it because I was told, no, instructed (for respect) “no more resistance” to get the job done, to get it out of my hair (or was it hand? Whatever! Who the f*cking cares?!) and our way.
The month of September ends, October is in by tomorrow and STILL the “project” is still with me.
Thanks to the typhoon Milenyo that came last Thursday. Hay…
Since then, we have no power in the office and it’s bothering the team and stressing my friend/boss, not to mention some external factors pressuring him… family and other stuff.
At this time, I have no extra hand to extend to him that would be of use (though he still does refuse)… sorry, you know if I could, I would.
No power from Thursday and yesterday (Friday)… we were informed that it will be back earliest is Sunday?!
And seeing the skies now, grayish and cloudless… something’s brewing again.
Well, the sun is perhaps shining on us... as of this moment, my frined and boss just replied back to my SMS. Electricity is back in our office.
And one of my professor-friend in college replied to my question (through her blog) of why she prefered sadness over anger. Her answer: Sadness could inspire her and make her productive. Unlike being angry, it stumps her.
I have to keep that in mind.
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