Why is it that lately I can’t resist spending for myself despite the fact that budget seemed to be tight? Very tight!
May be it’s a form of giving gratitude to myself. Or my way of professing power. Whatever it is… it feels good –– temporarily, of course.

For example, we like to hangout in Starbucks for coffee as we and others claim. But notice in the hours they spent there how may coffee or at least purchases aside from coffee did they make? The coffee and other food there like cakes are quite expensive but I, myself (and a few more friends and acquaintances of mine) keeps on coming back to Starbucks to meet, hangout or even dine. It’s the power and self-gratification if I may say so. The mask? Image and impression… what we wanted to emulate or project.
I was looking around at the mall nearest to my home in the province just last weekend. I went there just to pay my cellphone bill. But I ended up, buying stuff which might be of my need. (Take note what word I emphasized!)
Just take a look of some of the things I got…

That's one of my new shoes/sandals. I have a couple of new baby doll dresses too but the photos' bad. Sorry about that. I hate my cam-phone. Photos not nice when lighting is poor :(
And check these out:

If only these will fit my VBF or at least will surely be used by HIM, I’ll really buy them…
I remember a dear college friend of mine named Andrew thought me a new word during “our” good days way back then. The word is splurge. Yes. He really emulated that word. I can say he DID influence me somehow… on the crafty side like buying a Gundam models, build it and let it be a dust collector in my room. Or buy all those Star Wars tiny action figures because it was on sale then later on realized, hey! I’m not a fan after all then what the f*ck did I buy them after all?

And this I bought and gave it to my colleague. Aside from knowing he’ll like it because he’s a fan and dreamt of having a real one like that, I can say that remote-controlled Mini Coop can be used as a stress reliever for him (and me as well) and honestly, I haven’t seen him so happy and excited when he opened the box. Makes me feel happy too Ü
I am an impulse buyer… and a spender as well. I wanted to feel happy and perhaps that sense of power when I spend and “burn” money. I admittedly tell my close friends that when I am happy I wanted to share that happiness in some way or another. You find it weird? Who doesn’t? Honestly, I am trying to control that thinking because if I don’t stop, nothing will be left of me. I haven’t met anyone with such “disorder”… I wish I am ”kuripot” or selfish that I’m sure right now I have savings enough to treat myself a trip or two somewhere. In money, I am honestly in capable of saving. It would have been a good if I buy things considering it is an “investment” or usage in my profession. Like my first Apple purchase: my old 14” Titanium Powerbook which happens to be my most expensive purchase made ever! I consider that an investment, because it has USE for me. I was still in the US back then. I happen to earn some bucks to buy the Powerbook and a little more was left. Instead of saving it, I bought some toys to name just a few, one of which is that set of Todd McFarlane’s Spawn the Samurai series. Consider it one of the most irresponsible and useless purchase I made – EVER! Not only that I wasn’t able to complete all set, my Tita “accidentally” removed the collections from its boxes to save space in packing them up! (What the….?!?) So, bring it home, it will surely serve as toys and not collectibles. It has no more value and where are they right now? I gave them away… I repeat… GAVE them AWAY ––> for F-R-E-E!
Thank God I’m out of US right now… because I would have surely purchased this one:

And with that… as my VBF captioned this photo:

Let’s just eat our miseries away!!!
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