First day of the week that I came in to work after having a flu over the weekend. It isn’t any special day. Aside from the fact that there might be half a billion people celebrating their birthdays today (like one of our clients and one of his employees downstairs), we all seemed to share the same “fate” that the astrology stars tells us.
But still, today is my birthday.
Got up, drank my meds and went to my favorite quiet church/chapel near our home to talk to HIM upstairs. It’s been quite a tradition in my family to practice this going to church on your birthday. I missed a few years doing so because I am not located near a church or chapel, but most likely, I just don’t care a damn if it was my birthday…
… except for today I guess. And HE knows why.
Typical working day. It feel on a Wednesday with our usual Tuesday schedule. Our madam president decided to declare yesterday a holiday because it’s the last day of Ramadan. Politics… don’t ask why. So our schedule was moved.
And I am just sneaking this entry while a meeting is in session.
One of my evil thingies for the day… and I feel more to come.
Happy birthday… to me.
Some people are quite shocked knowing it’s my birthday. After knowing that, they greet, the give a kiss and a hug or just alternate the sequence. Perhaps those gestures make a birthday special. Technology some elevates the kind of greeting one can get on his birthday…
There’s email…
Some e-cards…
Text messages (SMS as it’s technically termed)… these I received quite a handful… a bit having a sore thumb… hehehe!
Relatives and friends near and far (and some acquaintances from the past and now) did greet me. Me-happy (imitating Jarjar Binks’s way of speaking).
Though there are those who seemed don’t believe it’s my birthday today… hahaha! Can’t blame them. Perhaps I am showing some bluffing facial expression… I thought it was kind of insulting but come to think of it… they don’t believe me, they don’t get a treat!
Harharhar… wickedness again! I am evil!
My dear friend Annie is here coming from US of A but I can’t see her till Saturday. I had o make sure I have no virus to pass on to her because she has to attend the wedding of her sister her. My VBF, Jose seemed to switch places with her and currently walking in the center of the universe, New York City. He’s never missed a day without texting me and sharing his experiences there like getting lost in the subways of Manhattan and lost his trail or path in the Central Park. He’ll be back soon… like in 2 weeks time.
Life goes on… and in a few more hours, I am officially 29.

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